Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Top

The Top
The Top
     The Top
 The Top
 The Top
 The Top
One of my main goals raising children is to teach them that only by actions comes success. To make it to the top, you have to fight physically and mentally to get there. I started yoga recently with a friend and my second oldest daughter - and yoga stretches you to your limits. Life does. If you want something bad enough, you will make the appropriate steps necessary to get there. I continually learn throughout my life, if it's not physical, life can be emotionally challenging but with a positive, and an open mind you can conquer all odds and become as successful as you want to be with anything, and within any relationship. Love, live and I'm going to add because I've learned this - forgive. You will never get to the top without your physical actions, your will to succeed, your compassion to love unconditionally, and the want to experience, educate to live and move forward from the past. Those are my words for today. I know - I've been at the bottom, it's all about "The Top" for our family!

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather the lack of will" - Vince Lombardi

And success has many forms - it could just mean happiness - and that is inner work with the steps I provided above. If we can get to the top - anyone can! Smile, and be thankful that today is a brand new day to enjoy your life!

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