Monday, October 21, 2013

Chicken soup for the bloggers soul (offensive for some viewers)

Monday I was mainly in the kitchen. "All day" I'm a vegetarian but I cook meat for our family every night. While making lasagna, prepping lunches for Tuesday and organizing my weekly grocery list I had great laughs with this chicken. Now this might confirm that I am indeed crazy but again, I'm not in denial. It was my chicken soup for this bloggers soul! First off, his name is "chicken" and all day Monday he kept me company!
 Chicken showed up in my lasagna!
 My husband even had chicken soup for lunch!
Chicken sandwich?!
 "Oops, my chicken laid an egg!"
 Our children love fried chicken!
 They especially love popcorn chicken!
Why didn't the chicken cross the road?
Because we're raising them right!

 Too conclude, click on the link below and dance!

I apologise now if I didn't at least make you smile, the kitchen can be a fun place with chicken!

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