May is MS Awareness Month!
Three of our boys ran 6 km for MS!
From start to finish!
Thoughts to remember.....
A 9 km run for Multiple Sclerosis followed by notch hill today was awesome. My type of spa-treatment! Below is a copied past post (refurbished) explaining our families involvement with MS, and onto how it can affect everyone.
I always write about our experiences with Adoption, different special needs and having a larger family. I have experiences with many different elements that I haven't touched base on. My family suffers from MS. (Multiple Sclerosis) Multiple Sclerosis is a disabling disease of the central nervous system, which is the brain and spinal cord. They say it's not hereditary although there is genetic influences. A little history, my first cousin and my sister has Multiple Sclerosis. I wasn't educated about MS until my little Sister was diagnosed. The central nervous system controls much of the body's functioning. Depending on how you're affected, where the MS is basically attacking your brain will depend on what function of your body is compromised. For me to completely understand the damage MS does, I had to be told that it's like having termites chomping in different sections of your brain. Once eaten, there's no repair. Depending on what section MS is attacking it can affect the visual, Motor, Sensory, Coordination and Balance, Bowel, Bladder, Sexually and Cognitively. For me, as a close family member I honestly behave like there's nothing wrong but family members are affected by this disease too. My only sister lives literally five minutes away and we hardly see each other. I know she wants to be an Auntie to all our children, she is......but her MS keeps her away. My cousin is thirty minutes away, she loves children and her family.....but her MS keeps her away. They can't handle crowds, loud noises and bright lights. If they do, it's time framed with short visits. With our children I believe in communication. Even if it's not positive because the truth is a reality. Even understanding hurts because I have a large, louder crowded family that especially my sister is missing out on. AND it's not my sister's fault. Most of our children will not know their Auntie like I do. That's what Multiple Sclerosis is taking away from us. Away from my sister. The only thing I can do is educate our children why. These lesions that can be located either on your brain or your spinal cord (depending where they are) depends on your ability to function. Right now most days my sister, and my Cousin are physically mobile but every day is unknown. Mostly I believe my sister is affected with her sensory abilities which doesn't make mobility helpful when she can't be in the same room as noise or bright lights. That's why our family isn't the best place to be. For our family I believe this disease has taken away relationships and has changed everything for what it could have been. I often wonder if my family members that have Multiple Sclerosis understands that it's not me, not our family that seem distant but it's our understanding that we're too much. Too much meaning adding too much for their MS. AND it's O.K. because we understand. Multiple Sclerosis is a crippling disease physically, mentally, socially and can change families like ours forever. Years ago in April we started running for MS, a fundraiser event that our family is a part of, we collect pledges and our team was called "Team, Why not?" This year, it's called, "Team Inspire" I wrote this post because it's been a huge part of my life, an ONGOING huge part of my life because it's people I love, people that our children love are affected and if not anything, education is the key to any disease. One thing I believe is, if we can't cure it, learn so you can live with it. For my family members living daily with all the unknowns, I truly do understand and so do our children. Today, I was very proud of three of our sons running a total of 6 km! Then following their mother up Notch hill shortly after! Way to go my boys! (Seen above)
Next up, I've heard in the wind that there is a 5 km adoption awareness run here on the Island in June! A fundraising event for AFABC (Adoption Federation Association of BC) Remember -it's not a race, so anyone can do it! If you're interested in donating to this association, please contact me - for a great great great GREAT cause! It raises funds for programs that help support hundreds of adoptive families and youth across BC.
Then - this mama is back on track thinking of a half marathon in her near future!