Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Hair

Round two for "Locks of Love" Two of our daughters have donated ten inches each twice for children without hair. I've written a previous post about the organization and it's not just about cancer patients. There is conditions such as Alopecia which is a auto-immune disorder that causes the hair follicles to shut down. Locks of love provide wigs for trauma burns, accidents and dog attacks. Any incident or disease that relates to hair loss, real wigs are provided for children. Our two thirteen year old girls donate. For several different reasons. For our girls they can't look after their own hair, our one daughter has hair sensory issues and our other daughter takes scissors to hers. So we grow their hair out enough for the ten inches which is the minimal requirement for donation, then our daughters are back to a maintainable shoulder length style. For us this works and it's a wonderful donation for them to make. If you're interested in donating your hair or your child's hair, it can not be processed, bleached or collected off the floor. It needs to be clean, dry, healthy and sent in a tied pony tail at both ends in a zip lock bag to your donation address of choice. There is either "Locks of Love" or "Wigs for Kids" but beware - with any donation you make, you need to make sure it's a creditable company. Calling the Cancer Society for verification should be done first. With any donation to anywhere we have to be aware of the ongoing scams. When my one daughter cut her hair today, I wasn't angry because it sparked another donation for another child to feel confident with beautiful hair. I can guarantee a Christmas wish from a child out there somewhere is to have hair. A story I will explain to my children, to understand once again that there is more to this world then material.

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