Sunday, June 14, 2015

Betrayal of our medical system

It's an emotional roller coaster. A coaster that could have been avoided 14 days ago. I trusted our medical emergency departments with the life of a loved one. 1, 2 and 3 at NRGH (Nanaimo Regional General Hospital) once by ambulance. All three times sent home with more pain killers for nerve damage. My mother in law and I drove my deathly sick husband to Victoria General (after talking on the nurse help line) There I begged the emergency department to admit him. "Please give him the tests that he needs" We sat in these emergency departments for hours, waiting for our turn while my husband was hunched over in a wheelchair. During Victoria General's visit the emergency doctor took us into a casting room that looked like a closet. From there he said, "I heard you want him admitted? This isn't going to happen" He was looking over the previous Nanaimo emerg visits and mentioned that we were at Nanaimo General three times prior for nerve damage. We explained, "Yes but we can't control his pain and he's getting worse every day, his heel is swollen, and he can't even hold up his own head" "We are waiting for an ultrasound on this foreign lump at the back of his neck" The emerg doctor didn't even assess his heal. Then proceeded to press on the lump (like it was a pressure point) Then he said, "You have too many fish in the sea" "He has nerve damage, we will make him comfortable, (two shots of pain meds) make sure you give him the adequate amount of pain killers and call for a massage therapist" No tests. I felt like we were treated like hypochondriacs looking for more pain killers. From there (emergency number 4) we wheeled him out with his mouth open. Drove home. I couldn't have him at home. It was traumatizing to our children. He was delusional. He had severe pain all over his body and could hardly walk. He wasn't eating. He was then moved to his mothers. A day later we begged for a VIHA nurse and a mobile lab service to go see him. The next day after that nurse visit, she called 911. From there he was transferred to the Comox hospital. Finally the Comox hospital found out that he was in Septic Shock and had an infection that spread throughout his whole body. He was then air lifted back to Victoria General. That is where he remains today, day 14 in ICU in critical condition. He has puss from his C1-T4 in his spine. He has puss collection in two areas of his heart. One in his lungs. His body is completely swollen and he's fighting for his life. His white cell count was up at 48 when he arrived. His BP (Blood Pressure) is all over the place. His pulse 130. Now I can go on and on but basically his body is septic. Right now we are told it's day by day. They're hoping that the antibiotics will slowly kill the infection however if it's unsuccessful, he will need open spinal and heart surgery. The reason why I'm sharing isn't because I need to get it off my chest this time....."some writing therapy" Our family has been turned upside down due to the lack of medical support. Our sixteen children wouldn't be suffering wondering and crying nightly if we had help. If we were heard. I have many emotions. I'm angry. I'm emotionally very upset. I go back and forth every day to Victoria General to be by his bedside and hopefully see some improvement. All I see is pain and unnecessary suffering. I come home and try to console some of my children while they cry themselves to sleep. Then I'm left to do the same. I'm so angry.....and it's very hard for me to speak with any one, to be out in public, to be me anymore. I can't control my emotions. I worry about the future not only for us but for others. Where do we go for help? We begged for help and we were turned away like chronic complainers. I felt it. I worry for the next time, I worry for others. Now as my husband is fighting for his life, and I'm juggling life - I pre-warn every one that if you feel that your medical care hasn't been addressed, don't even leave the hospital. That's something I regret, I shouldn't have wheeled him out in that condition. I should have made a scene, sat in the hallway and demanded answers. I know now. I know that we need to fight like hell to be heard. I'm writing this and exposing what's happened. Not only am I writing this, there is an investigation starting with both hospital emergency departments and our television news has been contacted. People need to be aware of the possible dangers of health emergencies not being met. I'm extremely exhausted. I'm surprised I can write this right now. I thought I was at a loss for words......then after leaving my husband's bedside today, 14 days and counting....after hearing they are now testing his liver function (of course not a surprise) then coming home to crying children - I have words. Our voice is going to be heard this time. Then I will forgive so we can heal.
Seen below is how we left the Emergency Department in Victoria General.
Left hand side he's healthy. Right hand side is how I wheeled him out of Emergency because they wouldn't admit us.


  1. Praying that he recovers very soon. Sorry you all had to go through this.

  2. Oh my sweet friend. I'm so sorry this is happening. I am praying and my family is praying. You will not leave our thoughts for a moment. I hope G recovers quickly and fully. All of our love is focused on you. <3

  3. I just was given the link to your blog by Debbie and have only started reading at your most vulnerable, frustrating, scary, horrific time. I have now reached an age where I speak up louder than I ever have before and demand accountability. I'm in the early stages though ;). As your husband and family heal I hope that along with the investigation of the events that occurred that perhaps malpractice suits need to be initiated. Without these people being held accountable they will carry on providing the substandard care afforded your husband. I will carry you in my heart and thoughts as you continue to put your lives back together


"She's a rebuild"

       It's been three years since I wrote. Within those three years I've lost myself. I stopped writing. I stopped crafting. I stop...