Busy, busy......just the way I like my days! Thursday was my day of errands, a day of preparations for this weekend! During the evening we went for dinner at our second oldest daughter's boyfriend's house, another large family we've known for a few years and we're becoming more then just friends. This is a family with sixteen children (birth and adopted) that we can easily gather without a glitch. It's interesting how our children bond with theirs. Even our eight year old son resembled their fifteen year old son like a little mini-me before we left, hugging each other "Goodbye" It was cute. When we left, our one seat left was occupied by our daughter's boyfriend, we took him home! (Just for a few visiting days in separate rooms of course) Honestly he's a great teenager and if I had a choice for my daughter to "date" anyone, it would be him! I love the fact that he has talents with art and music, he's generally communicative and decently pleasant. Around 4:30am last night I awoke startled and not because of any teenagers but because I dreamed that my daughter's boyfriend's Mom and I had developed a dislike for each other. Slightly laughing to myself falling back to sleep, I thought impossible. (Well nothing is impossible) But that would put a damper in how we'd plan the wedding together!? Be Grandparents together! After all that's the gossip I hear around here - future marrying plans! Last night I was thinking about our younger adults. We have three older teenagers and one young adult. Three in which have "significant others" Lucky for me, I like all their chosen boyfriends and girlfriends. We were talking about weddings after the dinner and I mentioned we haven't been to one for many years. Then I looked around while at home, I can see three back to back weddings in our future, possibly a fourth! Then when our next set of teenagers become adults finding significant others, we could have many more! So our future won't be lacking special occasions, birth of babies and our family is going to become gigantic! (I love it) I love the fact that our large family will grow with extended family members by the hundreds! (Ha ha) My wish that everyone always feels comfortable coming to our open home and being a part of our family. So now that it's Friday morning, I have many tasks ahead of me. It's my Mother's 60th Birthday party this evening. A surprise we've been working on. I know she won't read this now! (She's not near a computer) Then tomorrow morning I'm taking her for her special day. Then it's Easter - a day of celebration. I'm cooking a BIG dinner for another big family that's coming for dinner. Another family that is just automatically adopted into our family. See ultimately we don't need a wedding, it's a choice on who becomes a part of our life. During a meeting I had on Thursday, I was asked, "What are the benefits having a large family?" This question is literally a book! BUT in a big nut shell and keeping it simple, "We thrive with each other" I also mentioned that to me, (our family isn't just our children) it's the whole adoptive community we've embraced. I can't write enough on how all of us have come together through adoption, have grown in different forms of relationships, friendships and family. How important this is for our children to relate with many other children from different backgrounds and special needs. I also and will always agree that our numbers give us more challenges then the smaller family (of course) but I wouldn't have it any other way. My hope is that I live healthily until I'm 104 watching our family grow! I hope that they will still come visit me because even then, I will feel like I do today - blessed!
I don't think there's much hope of us developing a dislike for one another. See you soon!!!