Dinner usually looks like this amount on a daily basis. The decently sized pot of mashed potatoes is approximately five pounds of spuds! Then I cooked pork steaks in a homemade sweet and sour sauce. Sixteen pieces of pork! Then when I was at the Grocery store today, I was completely smiling from ear to ear noticing that the corn on the cob is ready! For our family's dinner I need to boil at least fifteen cobs! Corn on the cob at the beginning of April! I can't even remember when corn normally goes on sale, that's my sometimers kicking in again. (I sometimes remember) Regardless if the sale of corn is early or not, I was besides myself happy! Not only because we all love corn on the cob, we love this time of year! You probably thought the next best place for me is my kitchen?! Um, yes but no. My husband has been cleaning up outside, burning stumps while I ask politely, nicely if he could build just a little something more. I miss having a garden. Our land right now is unfinished. Actually not even started. Which is understandable because my husband is still finishing our home. "Soon before summer" he says, "I'm finishing this house!" It's so beautiful outside lately and I'm itching for an outdoor project! There isn't any point for me to beauty our land, not until the design has been mapped out and we start to landscape. (Be prepared for that!) SO the next best thing is a Green house! My husband and I know exactly where to put it while we watch the sunrise and set. It's not a hard project to accomplish. I have been thinking about this for awhile and I didn't want to ask. Around here, no task is too big! Or too small! I won't be able to plant corn on the cob but it will be a beautiful area with different vegetables, herbs and flowers! Other then my craft closet, it will be the next best place to be! Well.....if you know my husband, once he starts building a greenhouse, it's going to be the BEST place to be! Meaning something and somewhere I can call my own. After all my husband does have his garage! So with the thoughts of Spring, Summer and corn on the cob in our pots......I am thrilled with smiles thinking that one day I'm going to have my own garage nestled quietly within my reach!
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