Peppa Pig card just for Dad! First thing Dad (my husband) thought was, our littlest daughter loves Peppa Pig!

Instead of my husband venturing off to the car shows, or working in his garage, he decided to go outside (all day) and build our children a tree fort. In the morning I gave my husband the opportunity to do whatever he wanted. His words, "I have a tree fort to build" which is including a staircase up to the first floor. Father's day was a great day because most of all our children were hammering nails, working together and it's the childhood I want them to have. After all, isn't the greatest memories up inside a tree fort? It's a childhood dream around here and that's our goal. One of my all time favorite movies is called "Stand By Me" A classic movie about children around twelve years old who go on an adventure together. Our tree fort being built reminds me of this movie when I watch some of our boys working together for a place to call their own. It's going to be pretty cool for them when we're home this summer, to sleep, to eat and to dream all their dreams within their own walls, inside their tree-fort! A great father's day it was! I also won't lie......I can not wait to spend nights up their with my sons!
Our Stand By Me Boys!
We didn't go anywhere this weekend. We did enjoy a nice evening with friends and a father's day building dreams. I'm not sure if we can ask for anything better then this!? What I do know is....there's millions of great fathers out there. Including mine! "Happy Father's Day" but most importantly, the father's day award goes to my husband. Even gifting his own peppa pig card to his littlest daughter while spending the entire day building a memory filled tree fort ranked high in my books! And now our sons will be like these boys seen below, knocking knuckles. What's nice is, they're not just brothers, they're friends, they're connected tightly through experiences and memories. Let the adventures begin......and I love my five girls but having eleven boys is pretty fantastic! It reminds me of my tom boy days!
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