Just a big unique crazy family consisting of twenty individuals and three dogs! It's a day by day kinda BIG!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
25 things you might not know about me.......revealed.
1. I was born in Campbell River. Lived one year in Chase River, Nanaimo then moved to Parksville in my grade 7 year.
2. On my twelve birthday I received an old style big clunky "push to the side" typewriter, then when I turned seventeen I received my first electronic typewriter. I loved to write stories (like Steven King) and my dream job I wanted to write and be a reporter for the National Geographic while traveling.
3. I hated my curly hair. I would go to bed and lay completely still to try and flatten one side, then half way through the night, I would turn and try and flatten the other side. I would awake and go to school like that. I was teased. (In my late thirties I started loving my hair)
4. I was and can be very shy. Well reserved. I love being social and having friends but I need to trust first. Throughout my life I've had several good friends. I have been burned a couple times. I believe a friend should be trustworthy, honest and non judgemental. I would love to have a handful a good friends so when I'm 80 years old and can't remember my own name - they will come and reminisce over shots of tequila with me!
5. I don't eat meat but I love seafood. I love sushi (but not raw)
6. I love the great outdoors. I love hiking, traveling and experiencing our world. (Even just with day trips) In the future I plan on traveling to Nepal, trekking the Himalaya's and experiencing the city and culture of Kathmandu.
7. I used to make hundreds of wind chimes of out driftwood and shells located on our local beaches. I made each one with a hand drill until I purchased a drill press, realizing that tools are AWESOME! All my proceeds went to Child haven.
8. I'm a hippy at heart - a free spirit and I believe accepting differences, and all walks of life.
9. I started writing a book. It will take ten years, a bibliography of my life and adoption. I also write on my blog "here" 2-3 times per week.
10. My favorite color is green.
11. I have 16 children, 1 grand babe and 3 dogs. I advocate for adoption, I hold support events and speak on AEP's. (Adoption Education Panels)
12. I love to bake, and cook. I punch (knead) bread the old way. I love "Little house on the Prairie" and if reincarnation exists, I believe I was one of those woman living back in the horse in buggy days, and also living in India. Definitely an old soul I've been told!
13. I love culture. All cultures. I love learning and experiencing everything. I love the First Nations culture.
14. I love freedom of expression. I love being unique.
15. The only outings I do in the evening to release my brain.....is bi-weekly I will go to the movies. I love stepping out of my reality and into a good movie!
16. I home school. I'm on my third year homeschooling six children. I only home school my children when they struggle within the public system. Otherwise I have some of my children attending the public system.
17. I love my forties! I feel more assure of myself, and I feel I can step out into our society feeling good being me - finally! I wonder what else is in my closet!? lol
18. I love babies! I love little children. I love all my children BUT I am (we are) done adopting. I'm at an age now while raising my family, I'm starting to think and question, "What about me?"
19. I am very organized, routined and structured. I love cleanliness and order. Although I can flip, and I love being spontaneous embracing unknown crazy adventures! I want to live life to its fullest. I often wonder on how I can take most of my children and just travel......
20. I love all music. Except that screaming nonsense lol I'm learning to play the guitar and I love playing the bongo drums!
21. I don't know what the future holds. I try to live day by day understanding that everything happens for a reason. I do love "trying" to make a difference.......
22. Years ago I went to University for SEA (Special Education Assistant) it was called back then. Then I started obtaining my tickets in first aid. OEC (Outdoor Emergency) OFA 3, CPR C and I volunteered with the St. John's Ambulance before starting working at Mt. Washington for 10 years. I worked as a first aid attendant at several job sites, and in Costco. Before this I worked at Dairy Queen, a Chevy dealership detailing cars, and I waitressed (night supervised) at Smitty's. I also cleaned house, cooked and supported several elderly people every week. I still keep my first aid tickets current and up to date! :)
23. I tried to get on the show Survivor! My favourite reality television show! I even went to the extent making snow angels in my bathing suit because they wanted a video explaining why I wanted to be the next Survivor! I was acknowledged, although denied because I'm Canadian! I truly think they should have a Canadian verses American Survivor series!
24. I've been pooped on twice by birds! Once by a pigeon outside the Vancouver hospital. I was heading home. I had to travel with this dried grit oozing down my scalp! The second time I was driving with my top down........
25. I've skinny dipped! There's a side of me that no one is aware of.........
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