Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Back to school......we were ready! All our children have new clothing, backpacks and school supplies. With sharp new haircuts we headed off to school! All our children are excited. I wasn't thrilled at first but now that summer has come to a close, I'm gratefully welcoming back our structure and routine of our life! If anything, our children need the structure that education provides. We were starting to get bored, restless and everyday was always something. That something seemed to be out of control behaviors! We have an extremely busy week ahead then hopefully our routine settles to a normal roar! This September it's a huge transition. Our five year old is starting full time kindergarten, four of our eleven year old's moved into the middle school, while one of our sons is graduating this year. Our oldest daughter is in her third year of University and we're still home schooling! Then of course there is the rest of our children in different scattered grades leaving two of our youngest at home. I'm feeling really good where we're all at for now. I'm looking forward to spending more quality time with our youngest two with different therapies, swimming and possible dancing lessons while squeezing in my time, education and first aid training for Mommy! You're probably wondering where I will find time to bake, cook, clean, do laundry and blog!? Honestly, it's from 7am to 8pm daily where everything can be done. The television isn't on, sitting down doesn't happen until 8pm. I am as routined as I routine my children. Life works marvelously this way. As much as I love summer and the break of our structured life, I love what every day looks like on our calendar from September on. Every one's focus shifts and that's a great attitude to have while moving on into another season of change. My husband has fully recovered from his infection during July and now is ready to finish what's remaining on our home, including moving the mounds of hardened dirt piles growing weeds blocking our driveway! It's been beautiful hot weather, weather that I absolutely invite to stay but a piece of me is sighing heavily, waiting for signs of fall. For the leaves to drop, greens turning to orange and having candles lit watching the windstorms blow. And most excitingly another favorite time of year, thinking about Christmas! I knew there was a reason why I loved September........

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