I've been having a week. I would like to think that I'm a strong Mother with no fear, no worries and definitely no question about how I raise our children or questioning my path I've chosen. But I'm only human. (Maybe I'm an alien from outer space and I've completely spun out of my orbit!) I keep wondering if it's just me feeling time warped and out of my element!? It's September, I can feel fall in the air and usually I welcome the new season. Right now I'm physically doing everything I need to do for back to school, different appointments (Pediatricians, specialists, orthodontists, dentists, Occupational therapists, Speech) Neuro-assessments, equipment exchanging, you name it, I'm on it. I'm even on Christmas! Although emotionally I don't feel as strong. I feel time is moving too fast, summer is now a memory with many changes that happened within it. Something about me is "that I take great pride in our children's success" Our family's success. So when even one of our children struggle, so do I. I don't want or need our children to be Lawyers and Doctors. I just want them to be happy and healthy. When I write about health, health means physically and mentally. So while the air is cooler and the excitement escalates for more learning, I'm thinking about my own health. I haven't stopped and never will stop thinking about our children but, I would love to educate myself with more parenting workshops, (including mental health) Creative writing, journalism......I have been searching for online counseling courses. I'm a Mother but I also feel I have more to offer then just taking care of my children. I love First Aid and every year I continue to keep up my tickets. (Outdoor emergency) OEC has been a favorite of mine for over seven years! October is a huge study month for continuing cycles of OEC, CPR C and AED. Practical outdoor training. I think mostly, as much as I dedicate myself to my family, I don't ever want to loose who I am as an individual. I believe this makes a better wife and mother. So I'm picking up my interests and incorporating them into my daily mothering dedication. Mentally I feel more empowered not only helping our children to be successful but myself. A long story longer; that's my advice today. If you're a parent and feeling slightly lost, perhaps caught up with different behaviors, teenager drama, too much laundry - whatever it is, start thinking about yourself. "A happy self" makes a happy wife and mother. This summer was mainly about making memories for our children......in fact every day is about creating positive memories but sometimes those memories for our children should be witnessing their parents individuality. Because I know when they become parents, they won't want to loose theirs either!
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