Hi, I am my moms second oldest daughter and I asked for her permission to write this post. I'm 15 years old in grade 10 and home schooled. Being home schooled is much easier than being in high school just because I can concentrate better without distractions and I can keep my grades up to what I need to get into University. I would like to attend V.I.U. when I graduate and become an Adoption Social Worker, so I am very determined to get the grades that I need to attend University. Right now my life is about school, family, and my boyfriend. School because it's what I need to get through life, family because they support me and are there when I need people to lean on and I love them dearly, and last but not least my boyfriend who I also love very dearly (Yes teenage love, what can you do about it?) He's my first boyfriend and I hope that he will turn out to be my only boyfriend. He's a very sweet guy who I adore and not to mention very talented and very good looking :) He's also really funny and I love being entertained by humor, he's a very special person in my life and I hope that we last along time. My mom and his mom like to joke around about pre-arranging a marriage for us and planning the wedding, which I wish that they would start planning it right now! Of course I'm not ready to get married right now, I mean come on I'm 15 years old and still in school but in the future I would like to wear my moms wedding dress. I think it is one of the most prettiest wedding dresses I have ever seen in my entire life, of course once I'm graduated University and have a solid job that is. Although he does live about 45 minutes away from me and we try our best to make it work. I wouldn't say that it's the easiest thing being apart from him because its not that easy but its worth it because of how much I like him and care for him. Normally I get to see him on the weekends and sometimes I worry that I wont be able to see him, for example I would love for him to come over this weekend but I don't know if he will be able to. I miss him dearly because I haven't seen him in about 2 weeks but like I said before it's worth it. I also love how my mama likes him and how his mom likes me as well so that is good and not to mention my family adores him and I adore his family as well. I also think that we are good for each other because we can relate to one another with being adopted and being teenagers. When I think about my future at this point in my life I think about graduating high school, graduating University, becoming an adoption social worker, getting married to the boy who I love, and having and adopting children. Most people my age don't know what they want to do with their life or can't picture their future, well I guess I am not most people, I can say this with 100% honesty that I have my priorities in check and I know what comes first in my life. I know my path and who I want to be and I will go after it with everything I have in me and try to make my life the best that I can make it!
I let my daughter write while I was cooking dinner. She has been asking me for days to write a post. I think it's nice to express yourself. For my daughter I believe there's more to her post then just writing her thoughts. Writing is a release for some. For me, I can express myself more in my writing then I can in person. I share not only because I love to write and release thoughts, I share in hopes to make a difference, to educate and hopefully provide insights on us as a family. Our life is different having a larger family, having a family with special needs, a family built through adoption. There is many questions from the general public. That was one of my reasons for starting this blog years ago. If anything; our family with the variety of needs, with our challenges and our triumphs we're succeeding through our own experiences that I can share to others. We're definitely NOT perfect but interestingly unique. I remember when we first started adopting, our Adoption Worker asked if it would bother us being out in the spotlight? (Being noticed more then others) Something like that was questioned......I clearly understand now why the question. We're not Society's normal. For me, I'm used to the positives and yes, the negatives that we receive and blogging is a part of my advocating why we are who we are. Writing is not only a release, it's a form of expression, perhaps a help tool for others that want to adopt and are waiting to adopt. I can almost write about anything, recipes, special needs to how I'm feeling and what we're doing. How we do it. If you're ever interested in responding, asking questions through commenting, please do so. You can by clicking on the link at the end of a post. Back to my daughter.....she's taking after her Mother. I've written about her before. She was our first older adoption. I'm not exactly sure why my husband and I chose to jump into older adoptions but I wouldn't change our history for anything. My only suggestion for parents that want to adopt older children is to remember to be patient, your children need to accept and feel comfortable with you. Sometimes it feels like acceptance will never happen, it does and could take years. Our now teenage daughter is a completely different person. She came to us with a Reactive Attachment Disorder. (Doesn't establish healthy bonds) A whole other post. Mmmm.....I can happily say our second oldest daughter is very attached. She's completely focused on her future as written above and I truly wish everything she hopes for becomes a reality. As her Mother, I am very proud of her. She's becoming a beautiful teenager, a thoughtful young lady. Of course she's still a teenager but I couldn't ask for a better one! Through my daughter's eyes right now is only young love......who knows what the future holds, what I do know is we will always be in it! So I'm thankful for her sharing her thoughts, always with me that I can monitor and apparently now with you.
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