My little girl is growing up. This picture to the left is an older picture of my daughter and I. The picture to the right is my daughter now with a friend who happens to be a boy. "Sigh" Yes she can be extremely inappropriate and annoying at times but this year she's turning sixteen. I couldn't ask for a better teenage daughter. She helps around the house on a daily basis, she openly discusses everything with me and she still loves to hang out with her Mother. We home school her in a program that's called Ceap, a distant learning through our district. She's wanting to be an Adoption Social Worker and seems very concerned getting the grades she needs to attend University. I have to admit, as much as she mostly resembles a younger individual mentally she shines her future within her personality. When I look at her, I can see a future Adoption Social Worker. She's gorgeous inside and out. I truly believe with maturity, she will have the skills to become whoever she wants, she will make a great wife and Mother. I drove her to the mall for her "first" date today. She didn't realize that I had tears in my eyes. Not because she's seeing a boy but because it's her "first" time seeing a boy that she seems to be very interested in these days. She's very innocent this way and I trust her one hundred percent. Usually Mother's would be skeptical or criticize a meeting between their daughter and another boy. I'm not like that. I think for her age she needs to experience dates and hang out as a teenager. Being home schooled the majority of her time is at home with me, her Mother. So I'm completely happy that she's getting out and being sixteen. It was really cute dropping her off because she was really nervous and I had to keep reminding her that the two of them already know each other, GO have fun! There is a flip side of this. I know this boy and his family. If it was a boy I didn't know, he would need to see me! In fact if their relationship continues, he will be seeing me anyways. I have this idea of giving him a ride one day and we'll discuss "their relationship" Completely on the cool side of course! Mostly I am glad I already know his family and I believe we're living in the same world. It makes me wonder about our future and on how BIG our family will get with the in laws. Who they'll be and if they'll accept us?! I know my daughter wants to wear my wedding dress and I smile because I was hoping one daughter would! (Perhaps even a few more will) NOT that there is any wedding plans right now. I'm just the Mother smiling because my daughter was on a mall date, very cute I thought. She came home with these booth photos of her and this special someone happily sharing with me her adventure. When we first adopted her it seemed so long ago, she was a little girl. Now she's turning into a bright young lady and yes, tears fill my eyes realizing that my babies are growing up! One element I know and one important element they know, I will always be their Mother. This is why adoption is so crucial for a child without a forever family. It's not just about their childhood, it's about forever; it's about having the choice on wearing their Mother's wedding dress. It's about having supports into their adulthood and having a family they can bring their first boyfriend home too. (Regardless if we're scary or not) I feel so honored to be there for my daughter while she matures, for all our children. We're going to have a wonderful future because we've been blessed with many children and honestly the rewards that last forever outweigh the challenges getting there!
Ps - I received permission from my daughter to post, including the pictures from either side. Her comment was "Awe" when she read this blog. I love her!
I LOVE that you're daughter is so open with you! At 16 I remember wanting to be that open with my mum and for the most part I was, but there was always a small piece of me that knew she would tell my DAD and I wanted him to know nothing! LOL I was a good girl though and never did anything bad, but I had a healthy respect for my DAD and thought that holding hands in public with a boy would get me grounded. LOL
ReplyDeleteThank you and your daughter for sharing!