On the last evening of 2010 we were invited over to our best friends/family's house. To describe our relationship would be an extended family through adoption. Without adopting, attending many adoptive family events and hosting, we wouldn't have had the pleasure of knowing and developing such a bond. I keep writing on how adoption for us hasn't been just children, it's been adding to our family in so many levels. Our children are so excited to commune together with some families that I feel it's extremely important to keep this connection going. A connection of understanding, trust and just that compassion for each and every one of us knowing we're all different and accepting each other for who we are. Even those off the wall moments are understood. Those are families we want in our life and hope to continue not just in 2011 but forever. I really believe having these connections are not only great for some of our individuals struggling or will struggle, we are families that can be a support network to each other without judgement. I've always stated that our home is open, it will always remain that way for these loving families we've come to love and know. AND what perfect way to end 2010 spending it with one of our founded family's through adoption! We had a beautifully made dinner consisting of Turkey and cabbage rolls. A dinner that seemed endless topped with homemade pies, tarts and turtles! We definitely celebrated the ending of 2010 with food! Our children have referred to them as "Auntie, Uncle and their cousins" This morning while reflecting back into 2010 it's been educating. That's my word that first enters my mind. I could probably write a book. Unfortunately for the privacy of others I wouldn't do that. I feel very content within myself knowing that I can genuinely support and honor friendships. That through-out the 2010 year I've learned to relax......in fact this happened closer to the end of the year. It was like a light-bulb where I basically decided that I'm here to do the best I can for my family, my extended families and friends. Perfectionism is non-existent, no ones perfect and everything happens for a reason. We need challenges in life to learn, so basically I'm coming into a part of my life understanding and embracing it. I also believe that with time, a high percentage of our life struggles are resolved. Perhaps this is where my calm nature surfaces and I keep telling our children to have patience. Especially our young adults. 2010 we thought we lost our oldest son to his peers. What I learned? We did momentarily. It was really hard for me, it was a shock. I even thought I had no forgiveness. What I learned in 2010 was having more patience, developing more understanding and most importantly for my son, I learned to forgive. He's home and as far as I'm concerned doing really well. I learned forever means like our wedding vows, "I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life" If anything I'm thankful that 2010 was educating for me. Just a learning process within. With writing this, I think all us parents feel this way but also won't be subjected for abusive situations. That's where time and patience is really important. January 1st. A beautiful sunny cold day for 2011. Today everyone asks what our next year looks like. I really don't want to expect but our hopes is continuing our adoptive events, enjoying our special moments with our family and friends. A trip up North to see our missed family and meet our new adoptive nephew, finish the last touches on our home and welcome our potential new children to their forever family! If I could write names of people that made 2010 significant for us I would but I know you know who you are and I thank you so much for being a part of our family! It means so much to all of us. (I cherish you in my heart) 2011 feels full of positive energy, that's all we need to say today! Happy New Year from our family to yours!
Happy New Year to all of you! I anticipate a year full of exciting surprises! I, too, am trying to be less perfectionistic. One of my sons suggested that should be my New Year's Resolution, and even added ever so sweetly, "Perhaps you could even stop crying when you make a mistake," which would have been fine except he said it at a table full of not so accepting in-laws. Oh my! Well, thanks to my children, I've completely lost all pride, so perhaps losing my perfectionistic tendencies is not far in my future as well! All the best to you, Carrie! Jennifer