I was looking over my blog and this is my 702nd post after I deleted almost two years worth of (what I thought) amazing stories and recipes! I know my posts have slowed down some however my blog definitely shows some dedication. It takes commitment. This is only my perception (a itty bitty piece) that I have been honored to share with you. For me, many times it's been a very emotional roller coaster while looking back all these years blogging our experiences, challenges and most importantly our victories. Wow! I keep contradicting myself questioning what's next. I keep questioning if I should continue blogging.....it's become a part of my time. I have looked into vlogging too. Basically it's video taping your story. More of a amateur reality show with short clipped films. I sometimes question if I should just stop media completely. Then I keep thinking about how the internet is a huge part of our lives. This is how we are able to express ourselves and to hopefully make differences and inspire each other. This is why I continue and why I can't quit. I know for a fact that my purpose here isn't just to be a house wife homeschooling momma. Some may be content with this and it's absolutely perfect. I feel mine is much deeper. Which means I'm not disappearing anytime soon, and that my mind is continually contemplating what's next. Either I continue with what I have been doing - blogging and/or adding something more and time will tell. I've always been impressed when time passes, it really does answer all my questions. "Once upon a time" I was twelve years old receiving my first slide to slide old style typewriter writing short little thriller stories...now it's about time to not only focus on those short stories but to enhance that into it's fullest potential. Blogging continues however I am feeling much more then just a chapter at a time.
What do you think?
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