Do I have time to blog? I guess because I don't watch much television, I can write. It doesn't matter that I didn't get to the 5-6 loads of piled laundry because it will continue to pile tomorrow! It's amazing actually on how a family's dynamics change adopting children. Before our youngest child was five, now we have a two year old son and a three year old daughter! We have toys laying around and get this, wet wipes! We haven't used wet wipes for three years I bet! NOW they are a necessity. Today I "really" needed to go grocery shopping plus buy children's clothing. While making my list I figured I needed a baby bag. (Diaper bag) So I grabbed my over night bag, put two diapers in it with a box of wet wipes. I have to say, it looked not quite right but off I went. My second oldest daughter really wanted to bath her new sister, her sister has CP (Cerebral Palsy) so we have special equipment for the bath-tub. After learning to bath her sister, she wanted to dress her. (It's really cute actually) I then put our new daughter to bed. In the morning when I was changing her, I noticed her diaper was on backwards! I giggled at that one! Our noise level has escalated by 75%! My husband is very funny, while I was grocery shopping he texts me stating our new son is playing in the sandbox with his five year old brother. I didn't think there was anything wrong with this except for the fact two year olds like to bury themselves in it! So there went that outfit for today! My 5-6 loads of laundry have doubled! I've been thinking about my baking Monday's. That's the past I'm afraid. I will have to bake in my sleep, jumping muffins over the moon! Although tonight I cooked dinner like always while bathing four boys and two girls while wiping poopie bombs! Don't worry, I'm always washing my hands! (Ha ha) The flip side our new little son is doing really well, he's happy and has been even peeing in the potty! He loves to cuddle, he even said, "I love you Mommy" It's been a week of transitioning and I'm just amazed every day that passes on how resilient children are. It just gives us that instant love they need. They are amazing. My husband was telling me on how cute it was for his new daughter to hold his thumb, squeezing it lightly while falling asleep. Our oldest daughter took it upon herself to interact, change and spend time with her new siblings. She just adores them. The rest of our children are just so wonderful with their new sibling arrivals that it warms my heart. We might need more wet wipes, we might have more laundry, I might not bake like I used too and we might trip over toys but it's all worth the change for loving accepting children. They trust us and for this, it's important to give them what they need. Sweet love and care. Our new chapter has begun.....................and we're loving them!
This is so awesome!!! Makes that awful, stressful week well worth it.