Our son needed to do a grade seven speech. Interestingly enough he's discussing adoption. I and my second oldest daughter helped him out a little and now we hear he's going to get an "A" He's very proud of his speech, a speech that I'm very proud of him to make. With his permission, here is his speech as he's written it. Spelling mistakes and all.....so "cute"
Adoption Awareness by .....................
Hello fellow students, parent and teachers. My name is .............and for my grade 7 speech I will be talking about adoption and what adoption is about.
I was adopted four years ago. I have a large adoptive family. My parents adopt because there is over a thousand waiting children in b.c.to be adopted and needing forever homes. The waiting children are in foster care until they are adopted. Adoption is a permanent home. With a Mother and Father that cares and loves for their children for ever. They get a new birth certificate last name as if they were birthed from there adopted parents you can adopt overseas, in different countries as well as adopting in your own province. Families now a days mean togetherness and anyone can make up a family. Any race heritage and culture. My experience with adoption has been forever changing; I have new Brothers and sisters. I moved to a different area started a new school. I was able to change my middle name to a name of my choice family attends many different cultural and adoption events such as camp homewood, potluck dinners, native arts and many of my friends are from other adoptive families.
Being an adoptive child with a forever home means I'll never move again. I hope with this speech that all of you will have the adoption awareness to possibly open up your heart and home to adopt a child. "kid can't wait to have a family" Foster care is only a temporally solution and adoption means a forever mom and dad and a place to call home.
This is our son, a son that was hugely behavioral, emotionless with an attachment disorder. He would always wait wondering if we would call the police on him. I remember him asking us, "Are you going to call the police now!?" I would always tell him, "Nope, we don't call the police on our children, you're stuck with us now buddy" With time, he's made remarkable progress, understands now that he's never going anywhere and I truly believe that years later after his adoption, his trust for us has grown. A boy everyone wondered if he would ever get adopted and if so, attach! I can honestly say we have our moments with all our children, there will always be challenges but our son is attached to us and now he's advocating for adoption! How wonderful! I'm a proud Mama and these are the moments we need to treasure and remember......................"Never say never to attachment disorders!"
Oh wow! I've got tears in my eyes reading your boy's speech! How wonderful that he has attached when the world he was in thought he may never.
ReplyDeleteThis is a post that gives hope to anyone who is thinking of adopting a child with attachment issues. Even when everyone says impossible, it's still possible.
Thank you for sharing and give your son a hug from me!