"It's for me to know and for you to find out", Laura Ingalls sister Carrie tells her. On Little house on the Prairie the Ingalls family is developing secrets during the Christmas season. "Christmas is not the time to ask questions" For the Ingalls family it's about working together sharing chores, to work more for nickles and dimes to surprise their family members with gifts. Carrie the oldest daughter makes her father a home made dress shirt while Laura sells her adored horse for a wood stove for her Mother. The thought. You know, I'm disappointed in myself that we couldn't live more like this. I constantly remind our children, not only at Christmas but through-out the year what life and family is about. Unfortunately preaching and living it is two different things. It's like the ole saying goes, "actions speak louder then words" or "Well done is better then well said" - Benjamin Franklin. Little house on the Prairie is not only a time of simplicity from our electronics, it's a time where family worked together. During Christmas with woven scarfs, knitted shirts and homemade craftsmanship's, everyone is happy without disappointments. Laura trading her beloved pony for a stove for her Mother had me in tears. Her Mother wanted to stop the transaction while Charles, Laura's father insisted it had to happen because she loved her Mother more. They all thought Laura was crying over the loss of her pony but it was because her father worked so hard on a saddle. In the end, looking upon a star - they had a very Merry Christmas! A television show that shows the true meaning of giving - love. Sitting around an open fire playing the violin, family just enjoying each other. The one and only Christmas gift I could ask for is joy within each other spending it together. I wish everyone a very thoughtful loving "Merry Christmas"
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