We've been busy this weekend attending different adoption events. It was nice reconnecting with families we are friends with while meeting other families we don't know. There is some really great people out there. Our children just love the adoptive community atmosphere. Unfortunately because there is so much action taking place it's hard to connect with other parents. I noticed from a far there is many families we don't know, many other parents that would be nice to meet but sometimes from one end of a room to the next seems so far! Our children seem to have no problems accomplishing movement back and forth from one end to another! It was a good productive weekend. Usually the weekend before December 1st would be the weekend to put up our Christmas tree and decorations. It feels so weird not doing anything! We won't be here so there's no point, so we've been venturing off. Dec 2nd Ladysmith's Festival of lights is happening that evening. We've never been. I've heard thousands of people attend the lighting of the town, the Santa parade and fireworks. I heard there is entertainment, food vendors and the little shops are open for business. I'm hoping it's going to be a mild dry evening so our family can enjoy every aspect the festival offers. The Bethlehem Walk this year starts on Dec 11th - Dec 14th from 6 - 8:30pm. There is over 250 people in costume, live animals and a working village walking through the streets of Bethlehem. Every year we attend one evening ending with listening to Christmas Carols, having hot chocolate and cookies. If you haven't been, it's worth the time going. I believe a donation is asked for our local food bank. Beware that there is long line-ups and lots of people! Getting there early is a must! BUT Dec 11th we're having the Christmas Adoption party, so no Bethlehem that evening! Plus the first night is extremely busy! Now speaking of the holidays, there is exactly only three weeks left of school, 15 days of school! Four weeks until Christmas! 27 days! Five weeks, 33 days left of 2010! I don't know about you but I'm shocked on where the time goes?? I do have to add we're really excited for 2011! If all goes as planned we will have two more teenagers graduated, one in which has applied to the Canadian Forces, our oldest finishing her second year in University, a new nephew, a new adoption placement and a bigger vehicle! (Hopefully) That's all I'm going to write about that. I do smile because come January there is only 6 months left of school which means summer! Yes I'm thinking that far ahead! I love our children home. In the meantime our last month of 2010 consists of family and friends. There is several families that I can think of that I would love to keep in our lives forever, a few that would be honoring to know more and another that we should just sign now making it official that we're not going anywhere. Family comes in all forms and sizes, I can never express enough what our family means to us.
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