Also, some years we've held an Easter event but because of the lack of availability on the hall, we are holding a family day event on May 10th. It will be a potluck dinner from 4pm-9pm. Please spread the word, adoptive, waiting to adopt, supportive family and friends can all attend! More the merrier.... and I need to stress; if this event isn't successful, we won't hold a spring event next year. (It will just be held every Christmas) So please spread the word, bring out your children, get together and celebrate families. We have lots to look forward too, come out, join in the fun, and get active! If we can, you can!
Just a big unique crazy family consisting of twenty individuals and three dogs! It's a day by day kinda BIG!
Monday, March 31, 2014
Important dates! RSVP
Also, some years we've held an Easter event but because of the lack of availability on the hall, we are holding a family day event on May 10th. It will be a potluck dinner from 4pm-9pm. Please spread the word, adoptive, waiting to adopt, supportive family and friends can all attend! More the merrier.... and I need to stress; if this event isn't successful, we won't hold a spring event next year. (It will just be held every Christmas) So please spread the word, bring out your children, get together and celebrate families. We have lots to look forward too, come out, join in the fun, and get active! If we can, you can!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
"Orphanage in Cuba" - Judy Karlson
I have a guest writer. She recently just returned from Cuba. A lovely woman beautiful inside and out. A woman that has crossed my path, and that I'm honored to now know. Her journey to Cuba was more then just a vacation, it was about children. We can help our world, one child, one orphanage at a time. Collections are starting for their next trip in 2015. Please read below.....
Orphanage – Cuba – Feb.
I recently had an opportunity
to visit an orphanage in Cuba. I learned there is one orphanage in Havana where
the newborns to age two babies go and they are adopted out. There is another
orphanage in Havana where the two to five year olds go and they are also adopted
out. If they are not adopted by the time they are five, they are sent to their
permanent home near Havana and this is their home where they will live until
adults. They will not be adopted out. They are raised as siblings. The home
is lovely; it is a large stone house, two stories, built on a ¼ acre surrounded
by high stone walls with a locked gate. It is a place of true beauty as you can
see from the pictures. Flowering shrubs, trees are planted and tended to daily
inside and outside of the property. You feel as though you are in a rain
forest, there is so much greenery. The Director allowed me to take a few
pictures with a promise not to send them out over the internet etc. So I am
providing a few non identifying pictures (seen below) which I will show you.
The home is spotless. We first
visited one morning and met with the Director and she showed us the rooms, etc.
Fortunately, I met a gentleman from Quebec, who spoke fluent Spanish and worked
in an orphanage in Honduras for many years. He could converse with the Director
and I took notes. They have cleaning staff every day on site, a full time cook,
helpers and a nurse on staff, a pediatrician visits weekly and all children are
well looked after.
The Director speaks Spanish
with a bit of broken English so we made an apt for us to attend one afternoon
when the children came home from school and we visited from 4 to 6
Right now there are 17 children
living there. They are ages 7 to 20. Their education, food, medicals and basic
needs are paid for by the government and it is a government run home. It is
very basic; the bedrooms are not large and only have small beds, 30 in. wide and
a few clothes in the closet, 8 children to one room. They live in the home
until they graduate from university, even if it takes some of them until they
are 25. Some have a mental disability that will take them longer to graduate.
When they graduate, they are set up in their apartment and then can take over
their own care. The orphanage is their real home and this is their forever
family. They come back to the home on holidays, celebrations and most come back
and volunteer on days off to either teach English and help play with the
children who live there.
I did learn there are 15
provinces in Cuba. Pierre, who worked in the orphanage in Honduras works as an
interpreter in Quebec and offered to come and spend a month teaching the
children English. He will be dealing directly with the Director on that. We
had such fun visit with the children. They were so well behaved, bright,
beautiful, funny, sang us a song. There was a sad moment when a boy came into
the room and sat beside the director by himself, not in the group. He was about
9 and his sister 7. They had been abandoned one week prior and were found and
brought to this orphanage home to live. They were being treated for medical
conditions. Pierre did converse with the boy and he answered questions like
giving his name etc. They all love the director and call her mammy which sounds
like mommy in Spanish and the boy who came in alone sat right beside her so you
could already see the connection. She gives all these children
We asked the children what
games they liked and if we could bring them something. They want a bicycle, lap
top computer, puzzles, soccer balls, volleyball and net. We went back to the
Resort and took up a collection. When we go to visit in 2015 we will probably
bring 3 bicycles and the other items.
These children were all happy,
playful, loving and laughing. They all walked us to the locked gate when our
taxi was arriving and one little girl, about 7, held my hand and would not let
me go. I truly felt like it was Mealia hanging on to me. Each one of the
children kissed us on both cheeks as we left. It was hard not to cry as it was
such a big experience. They are all beautiful, some very dark skinned with dark
curly hair and some lighter skinned because of the African/Russian/Spanish
I am looking forward to my
return in 2015. I know my friends have already planned their trip. I met a
wonderful friend, Elizabeth, from Calgary and she goes for one month in Feb. And
she took up a collection already and can make things
Adoptive Gramma on Van.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
A Christmas Celebration
We had our twice a year visit today with three of our children's birth family. Their birth mother, birth father, a grandmother and great grandmother came over to celebrate a belated Christmas. I struggled throughout the day still feeling sick although our children had a great time. They opened multiple gifts, pictures were taken, and I made a turkey spread for an afternoon dinner. I've written previously when we first started adopting that we weren't interested in any forms of openness. Now, I believe if the family is healthy (not drug or alcohol addicted) and it's a healthy atmosphere for our children, then everyone benefits from building a relationship together. We all love our children. And the birth family not only loves their three birth children, they're connecting with our other children, connecting with us. I can't imagine their position, and on how they feel waiting every six months to visit for a day (seeing the physical changes over time) so we email and phone until the next date. Today was exciting, our children were louder then normal, and they enjoyed playing with the birth father - (who loves to play with children) Openness is great when the boundaries are respected, the roles are established and it remains a healthy relationship for everyone. For us, I'm the "Mom" and the birth mom is the "Aunt" and the birth father is the "Uncle" - everyone seems happy within their roles but we all know their is two sets of parents, the birth and the adopted. I enjoyed getting to know the birth father more today, learning that he's allergic to cantaloupe and melons. That he's 6'4 feet tall and I laughed stating he's at least four heads taller then me! As I studied him I wondered if our little boy was going to be that tall......or if he would inherit an allergy to melons too? It was nice to reminisce and learn more, sharing stories and updates within our lives. After the day was finished, everyone was hugged (several times) until the next time. Adoption isn't just about adopting a child. It's about adopting a package, a possible whole other family. If it's not with the birth family, it can be with previous foster parents, other siblings, foster siblings and we have to remember adopting children, some come with past relationships worth keeping. We also have openness with another birth grandfather, four other sets of foster parents and a previous foster brother. (all in whom we will see this summer) I don't know what the future holds, but as long as it's positive, openness matters and you can't have too big of a family to share your life with!
Monday, March 24, 2014
- Always remember that the most important thing in a good family is not happiness, it's stability first!
Thank you for everyone that holds my hand, (that is my family) while I continue to open mine that needs.
Friday, March 21, 2014
"May the sun shine down on you"
Monday, March 17, 2014
Ya estoy de vuelta!
"I'm back!" I'm not exactly sure where I should begin. Los Cabos is beautiful. Hot with lots of history. My oldest daughter and I swam with the dolphins, relaxed at the resort pool, we went shopping and enjoyed the night life. Los Cabos is located at the Southern tip of the Mexico's Baja California Peninsula. The famous arch is the focal point of Los Cabos which is only reachable by boat. I was sea sick for most of the tour on the bottom glass boat but nonetheless I enjoyed the sights. Our six day stay was enough for me. I reacted to the sun, my skin swelled and I suffered from sun stroke for at least two days. Los Cabos atmosphere reminds me of Cancun. An expensive, richer place within Mexico. Endless resorts. Tons of tourists. Would I suggest to experience these places? Yes but only once because I feel once you've been there, you've seen it, experienced it and that's enough resort lifestyle. At least that's my opinion. My daughter and I made some good memories together but we found out that we vacation differently. For me, I want to experience the locals. The lifestyle, the culture and too learn while traveling. It's an age gap thing. Many younger adults want the sun, the party, and the entertaining attractions. I want to trek the Himalayas, experience the city of Kathmandu, travel through Thailand and India. "Our next trip I would love to go to Cuba and experience their culture, and the orphanages" Eventually go to Africa with one of our sons. Resorts are great for relaxation. I can't relax. (I was out at 7am everyday) I love new enlightenment's. I loved having this experience with my oldest daughter with many fond memories I will forever hold in my heart, even with any of our challenges along the way. During our travel back we were feeling exhausted. Our flight was delayed two hours, then it was even longer due to turbulence. During arrival we had only forty five minutes to get through customs, find our luggage, run to a taxi to catch the last departing ferry. It was stressful. I found myself "sighing" a lot with anxiety. We made it with five minutes to spare. During our ferry ride we heard there was wind warnings - major inclement weather. (Ferry's from the other side had to turn around half way) Lucky for us during the slow two and a half ferry ride we made it by 1:30am! During the ferry ride we met a wonderful lady that was on our same flight living in our area, I offered her a ride home exchanging phone numbers. While reaching my parked van we found out it was side swiped. It was hit from the tail light, straight through along the corner panel leaving no drivers side mirror. It was still drivable but after an ICBC visit today there was $1700.00 worth of damage. Well.....what do you do!? Not much. My husband's not only a mechanic he's an auto body technician and it's another job on his list to fix. He's amazing. While I was away everyone at home came down with a fever with vomiting. All week long. My husband is the most amazing father and husband to be able to look after our home even when everyone is sick. He has the patience of a saint. I feel very appreciative to have such an amazing husband. I'm very thankful for him. As I write on my first day home, I have had three broken hours sleep total. I moved a long today on adrenaline while swaying as if I've been on a ship for weeks. I apologize now if my post is grammatically erred and all over the place BUT I wanted to write regardless if the screen is moving or not and to share some amazing pictures! Enjoy! Life -love -it!
Dinosaur drinking water seen above!
"I love the kind hearted smart Dolphins!"
Friday, March 7, 2014
Adios (for now)
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
50,000 & counting!
We did it! 50,000 hits! Thank you for continuing to read, and to keep me writing even with all my grammar mistakes!
"We continue to learn together" - Me
seemed to be challenging for me. Just with everything. It left me
moody and speechless. Once in a while I just get irritable with life
that continues to cycle itself daily. Same ole issues. Repetition is
key for children with FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) and sometimes it's
just draining on the parents. Frankly, it gets annoying. Patience and
understanding is purely the key although sometimes I just wish the
constant reminding, the battles that can occur would cease. FAS (for
a lack of better words) sucks. Often children behaviours are
belligerence, and stubbornness. They could score well on an
intelligence test although their behavioural and emotional problems
will interfere with their abilities to succeed. Besides the
behaviours, children with a diagnoses of FAS have learning
difficulties, difficulty with sequencing, memory, understanding cause
and affect and weak generalizing skills. It's a hidden disability
because sometimes the physical features are unrecognized. Not having
the physical features makes life that much more challenging because
us as parents and teachers have to be aware and keep reminding
ourselves that our children indeed have a brain injury from alcohol
consumption during their birth mothers pregnancy. I'm learning while
homeschooling my own children with FAS that instructions have to be
simplistic. Black and white. “Don't teach your child fast, teach
them slow” Lower your expectations. A routine is the utmost
important factor daily so your child knows what to expect next. It
helps for us to have a daily routine board. We are highly routined
Monday to Friday. I don't mind (most of the time) our created life
surrounding FAS. I hate the fact that our children have FAS because
it's completely avoidable but here we are taking one day at a time
hoping for successful futures for our children. I won't paint a
pretty picture being a mother with FAS children. It can be draining.
Like for me today.....I just felt like crying. After getting into an
argument with one of my sons about his schooling, HIS future....I
questioned myself, “WHY am I wasting my time?!” “WHY do I feel
so frustrated right now trying to get my son to understand that I'm
not the enemy, that I do care and I'm here for his future!?” “WHY
do I feel not adequate and not a good parent right now!?” Sometimes
as strong as I am, I have these days where I feel like I have FAS! It
can be so frustrating not only for the child with FAS but for the
parent, for the family and it can be so isolating as the general
public just doesn't understand our life. Which I completely
understand because I really have to keep focused daily to understand
it myself. Understand? Lol That's just me today. Feeling FAS
overwhelmed wishing to have more compassion for it. Most of the time
I just “sigh” or I will laugh because it's just too unbelievable
the strange occurrences that happen around here. I might even ask,
“Why did you do that?” I never get any concrete reasonable
answers......”I don't know” AND that's exactly it. Most of the
time our children don't know. That's the whole cause and effect
piece. Joy to FAS! So today after feeling silent, feeling irritated
and inadequate as a mother, I wrote this post because I know I'm not
alone. I doubt there is a parent out there that hasn't felt as I do
today. Now today is semi-over, it was productive with homeschooling,
with therapies, with my daily chores and with a roast dinner waiting
in the oven – I feel better to tackle another day. Too continue to
believe with every challenge, with every argument – I am making a
difference and we will conquer FAS daily if we like it or not. FAS
sucks but you will not win!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
"This and the that"
As I was writing a home school report my husband was playing the good ole eighties. My youngest daughter was dancing while being supported. Can you say, "Distraction!" First off I hate writing home school reports. Secondly my youngest daughter dancing is always a great party. Thirdly the eighties! Bon Jovy, Cinderella, Poison, AC DC, Motley Crue, Madonna to name a few.......Iron Maiden! My report turned into the "save" button on my computer while enjoying my atmosphere. Not only do I home school daily Monday to Friday, I write weekly reports for five of our children. least favorite thing to do. (Reporting) One fact I know, life will carry on without my weekly report. Sunday night consisted of starting my late "weekly report", it ended up with the eighties and this blog! Besides getting side tracked, our weekend was productive. Productivity I love! Saturday was a 6km hike around a local lake, and Sunday was swimming, skating and a 4km run. Something I have been learning about life, is too live it. Experience it. And honestly don't sweat the reports, the small stuff! Yes we all have responsibilities and responsibilities once accomplished, just live. Enjoy. We all need to take the time for each other, and if it means not meeting a reporting period - so what. We only have this life to live with each other. If people don't like it....who cares. lol When I look around witnessing everyone in my life......then feeling "busy" because I have to do this and I have to do that. I'm realizing just sometimes that the "this and the that" doesn't matter. It's who is right in front of us that matters. Dancing to the eighties with my daughter. Taking the time to walk 6km with some of my children. Playing "wrestling" with my grand daughter. Remember life is progressing, evolving, moving and the most important fact is living, health, and loving each other. Yes this mother is behind in her reports. Honestly - it will get done tomorrow when I'm not dancing with my daughter, wrestling with my grandchild. My family comes first.
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