The calm before the storm. Just in case, we're ready - if you've been reading, our week since last Thursday has resulted in multiple hospital trips. Tonight we're seeing our doctor for a follow-up for both our daughter and son. I'm not sure what the diagnoses is going to be because our daughter is still sick and our sons chest has started to crackle. I'm hoping we're at the tail-end of illnesses. Although in a week and a half, we'll be at Children's hospital for a few days. I find it relieving because we're hoping for answers with a possible conclusion. I've had a few concerned friends question how we're holding up. Even offering their help. I want to say, "I appreciate the offers" I write because I enjoy educating about our life regarding adoption, special needs and having a large family. I also write because it's my personal time to share what I'm willing to share, including my feelings and experiences being a mother of many complex children. I can't stress enough that my husband and I are a team. Everything usually moves smoothly and accordingly because my husband and I parent the same way with keeping our structure, routines and organization flowing. If I'm not home - our home still runs smoothly because my husband carries on just the way it's meant to be. We don't have respite, we don't necessarily need help. The reason being is because having someone come in - our routine is gone, our children become lost and start using this to their advantage. So it's easier for my husband and I to do everything ourselves. Here I go again.......I know, I know, and I know - if we need it within our future, we will definitely ask. I just have noticed that us saying, "No Thank You" is upsetting to some that have offered. I want to stress that when and if we need help, we will come searching for you! Be careful what you offer. lol Because I will be structuring you into our routine! So both my husband and I are completely fine "right now" My husband is a really good man. Here's a funny for you. He loves vacuum cleaners. The mucus has been flying like crazy around here. I had my hands busy, so I yell for my husband to wipe one of our children's noses quick! He goes running with the tissue in hand and wipes our daughters nose. I then yell, "Not that one! The other one!" He goes running sliding like Kramer off of Seinfield......wiping the other.
Then he says, "This would be a lot easier if I just used the vacuum cleaner and sucked all the mucus out of every ones noses around here!" Tis to the pre-spring season with constant sicknesses floating around! For us, it's like a pandemic where it's widespread jumping from one person to the next while my husband slides swiftly across the floor trying to stop the contagious flying flem! But at least we find humor with the seasonal flu!
For now, dinner is prepared, and fresh lunches are made for tomorrow and it's calm before the storm........................
Sandwiches with notes
Spaghetti with curled noodles
Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
To always, always conclude, "Every day I've got to be thankful that I am (we are all) alive, and you never know - the cliche is, I guess, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so you'd better be at peace with whatever you got going at the moment!"
"Joseph Gordon-Levitt"