Just a big unique crazy family consisting of twenty individuals and three dogs! It's a day by day kinda BIG!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
"Gained more family today!"
Now it's the West Coast waves, Horne Lake Cave Tours, Hornby Island and who knows what.......then our family should be arriving soon for more exploration days!
Friday, July 29, 2011
"Dec 17th, confirm it in with pen!"
Now we're off...................enjoy the sun!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Banana Boats

Today we went to our local river spot for a picnic and swim. It was crowded with teenagers. Although we had a nice area of our own. During our picnic this man in his late twenties was completely intoxicated. Falling all over, falling off the cliffs, jumping into the water unsafely. I couldn't watch anymore, I called the police. Basically explaining this young man will kill himself if they don't arrive promptly. It turns out that the police were already called. I was ready to save this young man. (Just waiting for an accident) Not too long after he was escorted away.
I've decided that this local river destination isn't for all of us.
Other then that......we had a nice BBQ to end our day.
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Chasing the sun!
Friday, July 22, 2011
A pocket of sunshine
Friday, July 15, 2011
I'm begging.......
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Today's surprise - Creativity!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Our Young Country!
Canada Day was a group event between two families. There was twenty one of us in total enjoying the BC Forest Discovery Centre! There was live entertainment, crafts, a tattoo station, a bouncy castle, a concession plus the in and outdoor museum and multiple train rides. We were definitely the largest group there! As the day progressed our children ventured off to interests of their own, played tag and rode old farm tractors. It was an excellent and relaxing day. Our littlest daughter enjoyed the live music and danced with her fans! Her fans were our friends daughters, they just love and enjoy her. Our littlest son has a few fans of his own too, he really enjoys one of their daughters and asks repeatedly when she will be playing again! It's SO cute! This museum's collections is over 5000 artifacts that include steam locomotives, chainsaws and heritage buildings. It was very interesting for the most of us. In the above first picture they were making decorative hooks out of old horseshoes by heating the metal over a coal fire and forming it while it's red hot. Then they would heat it again and brushed it with a brass wire brush while melting the brass to create a gold-ish finish. The finishing details was a lacquer finish to prevent rusting and corrosion. The right above picture was one of our sons on a old farm tractor, there was several different makes and models inside this open barn. There was also an old thrashing machine (combine) that separates the wheat from the straw. This thrashing machine was in the best shape we've ever seen. I'm guessing it was built back in the 1920's. It's interesting on how the quality of equipment was built back then (built to last) and today the quality of equipment needs to be replaced every five years! My husband was really interested in the Forest Museum because he grew up on a farm. The two tractors he liked, he used to drive when he was a small boy. (nine years old) He had a job driving the grain wagons back and forth through the fields collecting grain from the combines and bringing it back to the elevator. Amazing how different our pasts already are from our children's! Our Canada Day was not only fun, it was an educational event!
After the Forest Museum we were invited back to our friends house for dinner where we had a BBQ. Hamburgers, Chicken burgers, Hot dogs, salads, chips and ice cream for dessert! Even sauteed mushrooms and onions! The dynamics of our friends are other adoptive families and it's always amazing when we get together witnessing our children interact. There is never issues, squabbles or arguments. I would have never thought that our life would consist of mainly adoptive family friends when we started adopting. Who else would invite us for dinner?! (Ha ha)
It's really a nice stress free atmosphere when we're with other adoptive families. It must be because we all understand each other, our children accept and understand each other and ultimately we don't need to explain ourselves as a family. We just are what we are happily socializing with each other. No judgements, opinions, just a bunch of supportive friends! It sure makes time spent feel good with people like this in our life! We wouldn't celebrate Canada Day any other way! A fact that my husband pointed out; Canada is 144 years old! YES we all know this and COKE is 125 years old! Wow, shows how young Canada really is!
"She's a rebuild"
It's been three years since I wrote. Within those three years I've lost myself. I stopped writing. I stopped crafting. I stop...

It doesn't matter what we all believe. Sickness and death comes. We can all say, “Not my family” but we literally have no control....
It's been three years since I wrote. Within those three years I've lost myself. I stopped writing. I stopped crafting. I stop...
All I can say is we had a wonderful week of saving Yoda from the grips of enhangment! A word I made up! Yoda with his buddies was hanging on...